Catagory | Element | Value Type |
Default Value |
Max Length |
Supported Hit Types | Example |
General | Protocol Version | text | None | None | all | v=1 |
Tracking ID / Web Property ID |
text | None | None | all | tid=UA-XXXX-Y | |
Anonymize IP | boolean | None | None | all | aip=1 | |
Data Source | text | None | None | all | ds=web ds=app |
Queue Time | integer | None | None | all | qt=560 | |
Cache Buster | text | None | None | all | z=289372387623 | |
User | Client ID | text | None | None | all | cid=35009a79-1a05-49d7- b876-2b884d0f825b |
User ID | text | None | None | all | uid=as8eknlll | |
Session | Session Control | text | None | None | all | sc=start sc=end |
IP Override | text | None | None | all | uip= | |
User Agent Override | text | None | None | all | ua=Opera%2F9.80%20%28 Windows%20NT%206.0%29%20 Presto%2F2.12.388%20 Version%2F12.14 |
Geographical Override | text | None | None | all | geoid=US geoid=21137 |
Traffic Sources |
Document Referrer | text | None | 2048 Bytes | all | |
Campaign Name | text | None | 100 Bytes | all | cn=(direct) | |
Campaign Source | text | None | 100 Bytes | all | cn=%28direct%29 | |
Campaign Medium | text | None | 50 Bytes | all | cs=%28direct%29 | |
Campaign Keyword | text | None | 500 Bytes | all | ck=Blue%20Shoes | |
Campaign Content | text | None | 500 Bytes | all | cc=content | |
Campaign ID | text | None | 100 Bytes | all | ci=ID | |
Google AdWords ID | text | None | None | all | gclid=CL6Q-OXyqKUCFcgK2goddQuoHg | |
Google Display Ads ID | text | None | None | all | dclid=d_click_id | |
System Info | Screen Resolution | text | None | 20 Bytes | all | sr=800x600 |
Viewport size | text | None | 20 Bytes | all | vp=123x456 | |
Document Encoding | text | UTF-8 | 20 Bytes | all | de=UTF-8 | |
Screen Colors | text | None | 20 Bytes | all | sd=24-bits | |
User Language | text | None | 20 Bytes | all | ul=en-us | |
Java Enabled | boolean | None | None | all | je=1 | |
Flash Version | text | None | 20 Bytes | all | fl=10%201%20r103 | |
Hit | Hit type | text | None | None | all | t=pageview |
Non-Interaction Hit | boolean | None | None | all | ni=1 | |
Content Information |
Document location URL | text | None | 2048 Bytes | all | home%3Fa%3Db |
Document Host Name | text | None | 100 Bytes | | ||
Document Path | text | None | 2048 Bytes | all | dp=%2Ffoo | |
Document Title | text | None | 1500 Bytes | all | dt=Settings | |
Screen Name | text | None | 2048 Bytes | screenview | cd=High%20Scores | |
Link ID | text | None | None | all | linkid=nav_bar | |
App Tracking |
Application Name | text | None | 100 Bytes | all | an=My%20App |
Application ID | text | None | 150 Bytes | all | | |
Application Version | text | None | 100 Bytes | all | av=1.2 | |
Application Installer ID | text | None | 150 Bytes | all | aiid=com.platform.vending | |
Event Tracking |
Event Category | text | None | 150 Bytes | event | ec=Category |
Event Action | text | None | 500 Bytes | event | ea=Action | |
Event Label | text | None | 500 Bytes | event | el=Label | |
Event Value | integer | None | None | event | ev=55 | |
E-Commerce | Transaction ID | text | None | 500 Bytes | transaction , item |
ti=OD564 |
Transaction Affiliation | text | None | 500 Bytes | transaction | ta=Member | |
Transaction Revenue | currency |
None | transaction | tr=15.47 | |
Transaction Shipping | currency |
None | transaction | ts=3.50 | |
Transaction Tax | currency |
None | transaction | tt=11.20 | |
Item Name | text | None | 500 Bytes | item | in=Shoe | |
Item Price | currency |
None | item | ip=3.50 | |
Item Quantity | integer |
None | item | iq=4 | |
Item Code | text | None | 500 Bytes | item | ic=SKU47 | |
Item Category | text | None | 500 Bytes | item | iv=Blue | |
Currency Code | text | None | 10 Bytes | transaction , item |
cu=EUR | |
Enhanced E-Commerce |
Product SKU | text | None | 500 Bytes | all | pr1id=P12345 |
Product Name | text | None | 500 Bytes | all | pr1nm=Android%20T-Shirt | |
Product Brand | text | None | 500 Bytes | all | pr1br=Google | |
Product Category | text | None | 500 Bytes | all | pr1ca=Apparel pr1ca=Apparel%2FMens%2FT-Shirts |
Product Variant | text | None | 500 Bytes | all | pr1va=Black | |
Product Price | currency | None | None | all | pr1pr=29.20 | |
Product Quantity | integer | None | None | all | pr1qt=2 | |
Product Coupon Code | text | None | 500 Bytes | all | pr1cc=SUMMER_SALE13 | |
Product Position | integer | None | None | all | pr1ps=2 | |
Product Custom Dimension | text | None | None | all | pr1cd2=Member | |
Product Custom Metric | integer | None | None | all | pr1cm2=28 | |
Product Action | text | None | None | all | pa=detail | |
Transaction ID | text | None | None | all | ti=T1234 | |
Affiliation | text | None | None | all | ta=Google%20Store | |
Revenue | currency | None | None | all | tr=123.21 | |
Tax | currency | None | None | all | tt=10.78 | |
Shipping | currency | None | None | all | ts=3.55 | |
Coupon Code | text | None | None | all | tcc=SUMMER08 | |
Product Action List | text | None | None | all | pal=Search%20Results | |
Checkout Step | integer | None | None | all | cos=2 | |
Checkout Step Option | text | None | None | all | col=Visa | |
Product Impression List Name |
text | None | None | all | il1nm=Search%20Results | |
Product Impression SKU |
text | None | None | all | il1pi2id=P67890 | |
Product Impression Name |
text | None | None | all | il1pi2nm=Android%20T-Shirt | |
Product Impression Brand |
text | None | None | all | il1pi2br=Google | |
Product Impression Category |
text | None | None | all | il1pi2ca=Apparel | |
Product Impression Variant |
text | None | None | all | il1pi2va=Black | |
Product Impression Position |
integer | None | None | all | il1pi2ps=2 | |
Product Impression Price |
currency | None | None | all | il1pi2pr=29.20 | |
Product Impression Custom Dimension |
text | None | None | all | il1pi2cd3=Member | |
Product Impression Custom Metric |
integer | None | None | all | il1pi2cm3=28 | |
Promotion ID | text | None | None | all | promo1id=SHIP | |
Promotion Name | text | None | None | all | promo1nm=Free%20Shipping | |
Promotion Creative | text | None | None | all | promo1cr=Shipping%20Banner | |
Promotion Position | text | None | None | all | promo1ps=banner_slot_1 | |
Promotion Action | text | None | None | all | promoa=click | |
Social Interactions |
Social Network | text | None | 50 Bytes | social | sn=facebook |
Social Action | text | None | 50 Bytes | social | sa=like | |
Social Action Target | text | None | 2048 Bytes | social | | |
Timing | User timing category | text | None | 150 Bytes | timing | utc=category |
User timing variable name | text | None | 500 Bytes | timing | utv=lookup | |
User timing time | integer | None | None | timing | utt=123 | |
User timing label | text | None | 500 Bytes | timing | utl=label | |
Page Load Time | integer | None | None | timing | plt=3554 | |
DNS Time | integer | None | None | timing | dns=43 | |
Page Download Time | integer | None | None | timing | pdt=500 | |
Redirect Response Time | integer | None | None | timing | rrt=500 | |
TCP Connect Time | integer | None | None | timing | tcp=500 | |
Server Response Time | integer | None | None | timing | srt=500 | |
DOM Interactive Time | integer | None | None | timing | dit=500 | |
Content Load Time | integer | None | None | timing | clt=500 | |
Exceptions | Exception Description | text | None | 150 Bytes | exception | exd=DatabaseError |
Is Exception Fatal? | boolean |
None | exception | exf=0 | |
Custom Dimensions / Metrics |
Custom Dimension | text | None | 150 Bytes | all | cd1=Sports |
Custom Metric | integer | None | None | all | cm1=47 | |
Content Experiments |
Experiment ID | text | None | 40 Bytes | all | xid=Qp0gahJ3RAO3DJ18b0XoUQ |
Experiment Variant | text | None | None | all | xvar=1 |
Queue Time
이벤트 발생 시점과 서버로 전송된 시점의 차이
Cache Buster
랜덤값을 마지막 매개변수로 붙여서 캐싱 방지
Client ID
범용 고유식별자 (UUID)를 부여, 2년간 유효한 1차 쿠키로 저장
User ID
사용자 추적을 위한 식별자, 자체적으로 개인정보를 식별할 수 있는 정보는 안됨
Hit Type
Must be one of 'pageview', 'screenview', 'event', 'transaction', 'item', 'social', 'exception', 'timing'
범용 고유 식별자 (universally unique identifier, UUID)
소프트웨어 구축에 쓰이는 식별자 표준이다.
네트워크 상에서 서로 모르는 개체들을 식별하고 구별하기 위해서 개발 주체가 스스로 이름을 생성할 때 고유성을 충족할 수 있는 가이드라인을 제시한다.
PII (Personally identifiable information)
개인을 직접 식별하거나 유추하여 알 수 있는 모든 정보. 이름. 주소. 이메일. 주소신용 카드 번호 주민등록번호 인터넷 주소 기타 PII와 관련된 단일 식별자(UID) 등 개인정보를 말한다.
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